Northern Lights Emmaus Willing Servant Form Northern Lights Emmaus Willing Servant Form Northern Lights Emmaus Willing Servant Form First Name Last Name Address Address 2 City State Zip Code Email Cell Phone Church & Denomination Currently Attending Where did you attend your Emmaus, Cursillo or Chrysalis? Date & Walk or Flight Number Are you attending a Share Group? Yes No Previous Live-In Team Experience (if any) - Please list Date, Walk#, Community, Position, Talks Given First time team members typically are asked to serve on the Kitchen, Agape/Facilities, Music or Prayer teams. Please check the below areas you are willing to serve. Team Position Interests Kitchen Agape/Facilites Prayer Assistant Table Leader Table Leader Assistant Lay Director Music Team - Voice Music Team - Guitar Music Team - Keyboard Music Team - Percussion Music Team - Other Assistant Spiritual Director (Clergy Only) Walk-In Support/Interest Pre-Walk Setup Sunday Morning Tear Down After Walk Cleanup Kitchen Facilites Prayer Vigil Food Agape What other skills or areas of service would you like to share with the Community? Are you attending Emmaus Community events? Yes No After clicking the SUBMIT button, you will receive an email with the completed information. A Northern Lights Emmaus board member will contact you. reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.