Hello Community!
We are inviting everyone to join us at Candlelight for the Young Men’s Chrysalis Flight #20 on Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 8pm at Lebanon UMC – 122 East Silver Street, Lebanon, OH 45036
Closing will be at 4pm on Monday, February 17, 2025
Please sign up on the Prayer Vigil for this flight by clicking HERE
The Young Men’s Flight is next month – you can sign up your caterpillar HERE
You are invited to our community Gathering celebrating our young women’s Chrysalis Flight #25 and our young men’s Chrysalis Flight #20
Sunday February 23, 2025
Location: Monroe Methodist Church, 206 EAST AVE, MONROE, OH 45050
Covered Dish Dinner and Fellowship at 5:30pm
Service to celebrate our fourth days at 6:30pm
Please come Butterflies and your families
Inviting both teams to come together and lift up our youth.
Pam Ferber
Northern Lights Community Lay Director
Emmaus Gatherings are always open to everyone.
Candlelight and Closing events are open to the Emmaus Community only.
We are accepting Pilgrim applications for the Fall 2025 Walks. Applications can be found on the Forms tab.
Men’s & Women’s Walk #46 will be in Spring 2025 at Monroe UMC – 206 EAST AVE, MONROE, OH 45050
We are accepting Spring 2025 Walk to Emmaus applications and Caterpillar applications for the Winter 2025 Chrysalis Flights.
Remember your first 4th day and your desire to share the Emmaus experience with others? This is your chance to again share the Love of God with others. Simply ask our Heavenly Father to lay a person’s name on your heart to ask – then take action!
Applications can be submitted online or downloaded from the Forms tab.

Northern Lights Emmaus

The Gospel of Luke tells the story of the resurrected Christ appearing to two men walking on the road between Jerusalem and the small town of Emmaus. The two were discussing the events of the last few days when a stranger joined them. He explained to them the scriptures and how it was ordained that the Christ would suffer before entering his glory. The two enjoyed his company so much that when they reached their destination they asked him to join them for supper. He agreed. When he took the bread, he blessed it and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him as the risen Christ and he disappeared from their sight. Overjoyed, they rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others. (Luke 24:13-35)
This story provides the background for the Emmaus Weekend, a program sponsored by the Upper Room. The Emmaus brochure puts it best: “The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a lifestyle. It is a highly structured weekend designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people, and through them their families, congregations and the world in which they live. Emmaus is a combined effort of laity and clergy toward the renewal of the church.”
Please enjoy this short video: