May We Introduce You to the Inspirational Emmaus Community?
The Walk to Emmaus is a very special three day weekend inspirational event held in 36 different countries worldwide and began in the 1960’s by the Upper Room ministry based in Nashville Tennessee. The slogan and purpose of The Walk to Emmaus is for
“Renewing Christian Disciples and Strengthening Local Churches”.
In other words, the Emmaus experience is NOT meant to replace churches and what they offer but to come alongside churches, revitalize and strengthen them in an ecumenical way.
The Walk to Emmaus is based on the narrative account found in Luke chapter 24, verses 13 to 31 with the key verse being verse 15, “So it was, while they conversed and reasoned that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them.”
As part of the Northern Lights Emmaus and Chrysalis communities, we would love to introduce you and your church to the Walk to Emmaus and the work of the Upper Room by speaking to a member of your leadership team.
We are asking for your help to allow as many men and women in your churches as possible to take part in these fall walks so the pilgrims can be blessed and to inspire them to strengthen and serve their churches more effectively as a result.
Before the Emmaus Walks, teams including the walk lay director and assistants, a spiritual director (an ordained minister who chooses fellow clergy to be the assistants) and table leaders are prayerfully chosen and trained. Serving teams include the onsite prayer team to pray for the speakers and pilgrims, the agape team leader and members who attend to needs of the pilgrims and the kitchen team to cook and serve meals.
The Walk to Emmaus begins with a simple meal, introductions to pilgrims of certain team members and leaders. During this time in another room like a host church sanctuary or camp meeting room, members of the community are introduced to the pilgrims’ friends and families and pray for those pilgrims. In fact, the pilgrims are prayed for around the clock (including during the talks given by both lay leaders and clergy) over their weekend, asking God to open and renew their hearts to what God wants to do for them throughout the weekend and beyond. Of course, pilgrims are provided with meals and refreshments as well as sleeping space.
The Emmaus Walk weekend is partly made up of 15 messages given by both clergy members and lay people well designed to challenge the pilgrim and remind them of critical Christian doctrines such as grace and active love. In addition, there are private devotional times and recreational activities during the weekend that encourage a stronger walk with God and building of relationships. Saturday evening is a very special time with a candlelight service for the whole Emmaus community to come together, welcome the pilgrims and worship God.
The time past the weekend is called the pilgrims’ “Fourth Day”, emphasizing the community’s desire for the pilgrims to carry their experience into their lives and into their churches to benefit their families and church members as well as the pilgrims themselves.
We are also prepare separate Men’s and Women’s Walks to be held in the Spring and Fall each year.
The Upper Room also has a youth program called Chrysalis for young people, ages 15-24, that utilizes the transformation in nature from a caterpillar to a butterfly. The events for Chrysalis youth are called Flights and are usually held from a Friday evening to a Monday in January or February or in the summer.
The program is tailored toward helping educate young people in Christian ideals in a fun, teen friendly environment. Both Emmaus walks and Chrysalis Flights provide qualified clergy onsite to provide spiritual direction and are available for any need for counseling that may arise. We would like to make an appointment to meet with the youth pastor or whoever the appropriate person would be to and explain our mission.