Chrysalis Sponsor Form

Northern Lights Chrysalis Flight/Journey Sponsor Form

Northern Lights Chrysalis Flight/Journey Sponsor Form


We are counting on you to understand and fulfill the responsibilities of a Sponsor.

The duties include:

1. Awareness and Sensitivity- Sponsor only those you know well enough to assess their spiritual, physical and emotional readiness for the Chrysalis Flight/Journey.

2. Preparation- You are to inform the caterpillar and parents of the nature and schedule of the Chrysalis Flight/Journey, and share groups and Hoots. Remember NO SECRETS, only surprises.

3. Support- You are asked to bring your caterpillar to the Chrysalis Flight or Journey, care for the needs of your candidate’s family over the weekend, pray and sacrifice for the caterpillar before and during the weekend, escort the butterfly to their first post-weekend Hoot, and assist the butterfly in finding a share group.

How will you be serving and sacrificing for your Butterfly?

This Applicant has my permission to attend the Chrysalis weekend. In the event of an emergency and if I/we cannot be reached by phone, Northern Lights Chrysalis has permission to secure the services of licensed medical professionals to provide the care necessary, including anesthesia, for my child’s well-being.

Duties of the Sponsor

Before the Flight
•Pray for the person’s openness to God’s call
•Explain the Flight and the commitment of the weekend
•Get Caterpillar's application to the Flight registrar
•Collect a minimum of 12 agape letters that are personal, uplifting and of significance to the Caterpillar
•Maintain contact with the Caterpillar and their family to answer questions and concerns pertaining to the Flight

During the Flight
•Continue to pray for the Caterpillar openness to God on the weekend
•Bring the Caterpillar to the Flight site along with two snacks and/or two 2- liter drinks for the opening meal
•Attend sponsor’s hour
•Attend the Candlelight service
•Attend the closing service
•Keep in contact with the Caterpillar's family & provide updates of the weekend’s progress
•Take the Butterfly home after the Flight is complete

After the Flight
•Continue to pray for the Butterfly's 4th days
•Be available to discuss the Flight with the Butterfly
•Bring the Butterfly to the first Gathering following their Flight
•Help the Butterfly become involved in a reunion group
•Mentor Butterfly on future Sponsorships
•Encourage their continual involvement in their local church and local Emmaus community

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